Terms and conditions



  • Library cards are issued without cost to everyone who is at least 18 years of age, registered in the Swedish Population Register and can identify themselves with a valid photo ID.
  • If you are not registered in the Swedish Population Register you can apply to be a borrower by showing a valid passport or other photo ID if your stay in Sweden is longer than three months from the date of issue of the library card. The address of your residence in Sweden and a complete address in your native country must be given in the application for a library card.
  • The borrower binds him/herself to comply to the library’s terms of borrowing and regulations for using the library’s computers. The information is published on the library’s website and the borrower is responsible for keeping him/herself updated about possible changes.
  • The library card is used to borrow material from the Anna Lindh library and to log in to the library’s public computers.
  • The library card is personal and is not transferable to another person.
  • Report a lost library card to the library. The borrower is responsible for all loans made by the card until a report of loss has been made.
  • Report changed contact information either through ”Mina lån” ( My loans) or at the information desk. The borrower is responsible for the information being accurate. Changes at the information desk can be made upon producing an ID.
  • Borrowers who repeatedly violate the library’s regulations can lose the right to borrow and use the library’s computers. The decision to rescind or restore rights is made by the head of the library.

Borrowing an returning items

  • All loans are to be registered either at the information desk or in the self-checkout machines. Only one copy of a title can be borrowed. To check out at the information desk a library card or ID is needed.
  • Library material is lent for 28 days. Renewals can me made for 28 days at a time until a maximum of 168 days is reached, provided the item is not reserved by someone else.
  • The borrower is responsible for returning books in the same condition as they were when lent, by the latest return date, or else the loan must be renewed before the expiration date. This applies to borrowers who are sick or travelling etc. as well.
  • Borrowers are personally responsible for their loans until the loans have been checked in. Loans may not be transferred to another person. The library is not obliged to send reminders and provide them only as a service.
  • Returning items is done primarily in the self-checkin machine outside the library’s main entrance which is open to the public on weekdays 8 AM – 5 PM, or at the manned information desk when the library is open.
  • Reference literature, rare materials and periodicals are not lent out and must not be removed from the library’s premises. Certain rare materials may be read in specified locations in the library.

Overdue and lost items

  • The library charges an overdue fine of 5 SEK per loan and day from the the first overdue day. If the sum exceeds 100 SEK the borrower is automatically blocked from further loans and use of library computers.
  • Personnel of the Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Armed Forces’ Headquarters and students at the Swedish Defence University are exempt from the overdue fines but are blocked from further loans after the third reminder.
  • Borrowers are responsible for replacing items that have not been returned, are damaged or lost with a new item, or with a replacement fee of 500 SEK plus 250 SEK for administrative expenses. Items costing more than 500 SEK are charged their actual price. If a borrower can present a report to the police about a stolen item the fee will be waived.
  • Loans not returned after the third reminder are assumed to be missing and a bill for a replacement fee is issued to the borrower. If the item is returned after the billing only 250 SEK in administrative expenses are charged. If the bill is not paid the bill is sent to debt collection and the fee cannot be returned even if the item is later returned.
  • Fees yet unbilled can be paid in the library. The library accepts payment by card or Swish only, no cash payments can be made.

Handling of personal data

  • The library handles personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). Personal data is stored for a maximum of two years after the expiration of the library card. Personal data is only accessible to library personnel and the system vendor. Upon receiving the library card the borrower consents to the registration of personal data. Contact the Registry at the University Secretariat: registrator@fhs.se if there are queries about personal data

Use of public computers

  • The computers in the library are the property of the Swedish Defence University and can be used only by those who have user rights. Computer use must comply to current legislation, SUNET’s (the Swedish university network’s) ethical regulations and the Swedish Defence University’s internal rules and regulations.
  • When using the internet it is therefore forbidden to: access websites containing material that can give offence, for example pornographic or racist material; download programmes and files that can affect IT security; and spread and/or utilise copyrighted material without permission of the copyright owner.
  • It is also forbidden to try to access network resources without having the right to do so; hide your user identity; obstruct or disrupt the intended use of the network; deliberately waste available resources (personnel, hardware or software); harm or destroy data-based information; encroach upon other people’s privacy; or insult or degrade other people. The computers at the Anna Lindh Library are supervised and activity is recorded.

Electronic resources

  • Respect the library’s electronic resource licence conditions. Printing and downloading articles from periodicals and other sources can usually be done for personal, non-commercial, study or research use only.

Opening hours, service and resources

Information about Anna Lindh Library’s services and opening hours are on the library’s website.

Main Library

Phone: 08-553 425 60
Fax: 08-553 425 68
E-mail: alb@fhs.ss

Branch Karlberg

Phone: 08-553 429 57
E-mail: kbg.alb@fhs.se

Library service at Armed Forces Headquarters

Phone: 08-788 90 12
Fax: 08-788 90 09
E-mail: hkv.alb@fhs.se