

Tactical Profile - Naval Warfare (7,5 ECTS)

The aim of this elective course is to give the student an in-depth understanding of naval tactics and operations in both crisis and war.

Starting with an enhanced week of naval theory, the student should be able to analyse the conduct of naval tactics in a variety of maritime environments. The second week of the course will focus on the dilemma posed to the defence of coastal nations with an emphasis on asymmetrical approaches. The third week will center on the dilemma of power projection from a maritime perspective. The fourth week will amalgamate the previous study in a synthetic wargame, with a critical analysis of wargaming as an educational method. Finally, the course will culminate with a contemporary essay.


Tactical Profile (Maritime), Elective Naval Warfare. 5 weeks, 7.5 university credits.

Week 1: Naval Theory (Advanced) – Graded seminar.

Week 2: Littoral Defence – Graded seminar.

Week 3: Power Projection – Graded seminar.

Week 4: Wargame (Swedish Defence University Wargaming Center)

Week 5: Written Assignment (2000-2500 word contemporary essay)
