Ph.D defence: Magnus Christiansson
On October 30, Magnus Christiansson will defend his dissertation ”Defence transformation in Sweden: The strategic governance of pivoting projects, 2000-2010”.
In his doctoral thesis Magnus Christiansson, researcher at the Department of Security, Strategy and Leadership at the Swedish Defense University, examines how the reorganization of the Swedish defense took place in the early 2000’s. By looking at three different projects; the Nordic Battle Group, the Armed Forces' new material strategy and the operation in Afghanistan, he describes the decision-making processes and how civil-military cooperation takes place.
The results show, among other things, that established research has an outdated view of how politics controls the decision-making processes and that the military organization in practice functions more as a network system than as a purely hierarchical organization in the reorganization process.
Magnus Christiansson is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University. The public defence of the doctoral thesis “Defense transformation in Sweden: The strategic governance of pivoting projects, 2000-2010 ”takes place on October 30th at the Swedish Defence University with limited number of seats. You can also wathc the broadcast via Zoom. Please sign up below.