Open seminar: New NATO doctrines
Welcome to listen as NATO employees describe three doctrines, established January 2023.
The seminar starts with the new AJP Joint Doctrine (AJP 1) and then goes into more detail in Doctrine for Strategic Communications (AJP 10) and Doctrine for Information Operations (AJP 10.1).
Then it is presented how the doctrine is realised in practical application/organisation at Joint Forces Command Brunssum (JFCBS) and at KFOR HQ. The new NATO Central Capability Information Environment Assessment (IEA) is also presented from doctrine to application.
The seminar is part of the Swedish Armed Forces' order of course and training in information operations, the course is called Applied Course – Combat in the Information Environment.
No pre-registration is required.
- 0815-0830: Welcome address and introduction
By moderator (TBD) and representative of Swedish Defense University (TBD) - 0830-0930: New doctrine landscape
Presenter: Major Lars Flink (NLD), from NATO Strategic Communication Centre of Excellence in Riga and custodian of AJP 10.- From Joint Doctrine (AJP 1) to Strategic Communication (AJP 10) and Information operations (AJP 10.1).
- Identifying and describing key aspects, definitions and content of the recently promulgated NATO doctrines – to be addressed and implemented by old and new members of the alliance.
- Expectations from NATO, lessons learned and recommendations.
- 0930-1000: Coffee break
- 1000-1100: Implementing new doctrine in NATO structure with the J10 concept and IEA.
Presenter: Major Blake Zazula (CAN), Communication Directorate (J10), Joint Forces Command, Brunssum- Giving insights in how NATO Joint Forces Command in Brunssum has organized itself and is working according to the new doctrine.
- Special attention to the new and critical capability of Information Environment Assessment (IEA) – as described in AJP 10.1.
- Best practices and recommendations.
- 1100-1110: Short break
- 1110-1140: NATO doctrine operationalization on a tactical level.
Presenter: Major Anders Blom (SWE), served in KFOR HQ, Joint Effects (tactical J10), 2022- Joint Effects, a non-kinetic center of gravity within KFOR
- Post pandemic staff procedures re-establishment
- Doctrinal impact and transformation
- 1140-1230: Panel discussion
Moderator: TBD