

Presentation: Global Strategic Trends 7

Welcome to listen in when the Defence Futures presents Global Strategic Trends (GST) 7 - looking ahead to 2055.

The Swedish Defence University will be visited by Defence Futures (formerly Development, Concept Doctrine, and Centre (DCDC)) who will present Global Strategic Trends No. 7 - outlook towards 2055.

The presentation is in English.

Registration is required, register via the link below:


Sweden has worked closely with Defence Futures in the UK for more than ten years and has Swedish personnel permanently stationed in Shrivenham. The Swedish Armed Forces collaborate with Defence Future within the framework of, among other things, the Perspective Study and the development of concepts and doctrines.

The main purpose of the publication Global Strategic Trends (GST) is to contribute to long-term strategic thinking and decision-making. It outlines a number of key factors, which, together with thematic and regional developments, are likely to shape our global future. Global Strategic Trends is a well-known contribution to a global debate about our common future.

More information about the event

Date: Sep 11, 2024
Time: 2:45 PM—4:15 PM
Location: Sverigesalen
Contact: Lars Hedström,