Challenges Forum: Local Perceptions of Robust Protection of Civilians
Welcome to a panel discussion exploring new research on what kind of protection of civilians (PoC) provided by peacekeepers that enjoy more local support than others. With a field perspective from South Sudan, we’ll discuss how local perception feedback can lead to better and more proactive PoC.
Linnea Gelot, associate professor and director of studies at the Department of War Studies, has been involved in project management of a research collaboration for a couple of years that has resulted in a series of briefs (short research reports). Linnea Gelot presents one of these briefs at the Challenges forum.
Registration is required for participation.
Program and registration, register no later than September 20
More information about the event
Date: Sep 26, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM—2:30 PM
Location: Leijonsköldska, Försvarshögskolan och online