

Open lecture: Language of Paradigm Shifts

Welcome to an open lecture with the Icelandic writer and documentary film director Andri Snær Magnason, followed by a conversation about paradigm shifts, language and visionary thinking about climate change with Vice-Chancellor Robert Egnell.

Scientist have predicted great changes to the nature of our planet during this century. Changes in nature that used to take thousands or millions of years might happen in a single lifetime.

We have among us today the first human leaders that know they are melting glaciers. But do they and we really understand the situation? How long did it take for us to understand previous paradigm shifts?

In his book On Time and Water, author Andri Snær Magnason looks into science, language and mythology to understand what it means to live in a paradigm shift when events take place that are in a way, larger than language. Weaving climate science and personal stories he takes us on a journey to connect soul to data.

Andri Snær Magnason is an Icelandic writer and documentary film maker. His books have been published in more than 40 languages.

Register here for the event.

More information about the event

Date: Nov 27, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM—12:30 PM
Location: Leijonsköldska