

Order recorded course literature

How to order recorded course literature at Legimus

Before ordering

First, make sure that the book is not already available as an audio book. You can do this by searching in Legimus (in Swedish).

Be out in good time as a scan can take up to 8-12 weeks. Shorter texts, such as articles and compendiums, are not produced as talking books in Legimus.

Is your textbook missing from Legimus? Fill in the form and we will order a recording of the book for you, provided that it meets certain requirements:

  • Your Legimus account is linked to the Anna Lindh Library.
  • The book is not available in the Legimus talking book catalogue.
  • The book counts as compulsory course literature. (can be found in the reading list for the course or if you have a certificate from the course coordinator that the book can be counted as compulsory, for example when writing an essay)
  • It meets MTM guidelines

Mandatory literature? * (mandatory)
Mandatory literature?

Scope * (mandatory)
