Welcome to contact the library!
Do you need some help? Visit us at the info point in the library or contact us via chat, e-mail or phone.
Regular hours
- Monday 9 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday 11:30 AM - 5 PM
- Wednesday 9 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM
- Friday 9 AM - 3 PM
The library is accessible to students and employees with a key card between 6 AM and 10 PM daily.
Chat with the library
Available during these hours:
- Monday 9 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM
- Tisdag 1 PM - 3 PM
- Wednesday 9 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM
- Thursday 9 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM
- Friday 9 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM
You can reach us via e-mail: alb@fhs.se
Contact us via phone
Reach us at 08-553 425 60 during these hours:
- Monday 9 AM - 11 AM
- Tuesday 1 PM - 3 PM
- Wednesday 9 AM - 11 AM
- Thursday 9 AM - 11 AM
- Friday 9 AM - 11 AM
Contact specific functions at the library
Mailing address
Packages, street address
Anna Lindh-biblioteket
Drottning Kristinas väg 39
114 28 Stockholm
Letters, box address
Anna Lindh-biblioteket
Box 27805
115 93 Stockholm
Contact the IT educators
You reach us through our mailbox lms@fhs.se
Drop-in to meet an IT educator
If you are preparing your course and want to get started with the LMS (Canvas) or if you would like more information about our hybrid solutions for flexible teaching our IT educators offer open drop-in via Zoom every day. No pre-registration or fixed start time needed. You can connect to the open meeting whenever you like during these times.
Some tips for your visit in Zoom
Sometimes it may be a queue to the Zoom room and we will then let you in as soon as it is available. At the start of the meeting you will need to activate your computer microphone.