

Mandatory fields - research publications in DiVA

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Mandatory fields when uploading publications in Diva




Last name, first name

Local user ID

Enter your user ID at the Swedish Defence University.


Enter your


Department, unit or programme

Select the most detailed level of your organisational affiliation.

Other author

If there are several authors, use the button Another author and enter information.

Other organisation

Use this field for authors with other affiliation than SEDU. Enter affiliation for up to 10 persons, and country for persons affiliated with organisations in other countries than Sweden. Also use this field when your publication was written at another university.


Main title, subtitle


Select the language of the publication.

Content type*


The publication's academic content has been assessed by an independent referee and has been accepted for publication.

Other academic

The publication's content is academic and is intended for the academic community, but has not undergone the review process.

Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)

The publication's content is academic but the audience is the general public. Discussion articles are included in this group.


Select the publishing status of the article. Publishing status should be specified also for not yet published material.

Part of journal* (for journal articles)

Enter the beginning or part of the journal's title or its ISSN number and select from the alternatives shown in the list. If the journal is not in the list, enter the title and ISSN under Other journal.

Other information*

Year of publication, volume, journal number, pages (for journal articles). Year of publication, edition, number of pages (for books).


Indicate if the publication is part of a series. If the series is not listed, enter it under Other series.

Publisher (for book)*

City, publisher.



For example: 978-91-7000-229-8 (for book)

Enter the DOI number, or the URL/web address for the full text or bibliographic information.

National subject category*

Choose a national subject from the second level in the hierarchy or lower (not "Social Sciences" but for example "Other Social Sciences", "Psychology", "Sociology" or "Political science").

Research subject*

Select the subject(s) at the Swedish Defence University from which the author(s) received funding when the publication was produced.


Enter keywords (subject descriptors), separated by commas.

Part of other project


Research funders and strategic development areas

If the publication is a part of a research project that is supported by a research funder, search or select the funder from the list and enter the project number.

