Book a tutorial in information retrieval
Do you want to learn more about how to search for information and what search tools are available in your subject area?

The Anna Lindh Library offers individual search guidance and tutorial for military and civilian students at the Swedish National Defence University. During the supervision, we focus on your independent learning so that you can continue working on your own afterwards. Below are some examples of what you can get help with:
- Where can I search in previous research for my essay or similar tasks?
- What is a scientific article?
- How do I define my subject and find good keywords?
- How do I get more relevant hits when searching databases?
- Reference management in Mendeley
You book your tutorial by registering at our tutorial page in Canvas (in Swedish) through this link:
When you are registered you can see available slots. Please note that you need to check the calendar Handledning i informationssökning to be able to see available slots.