Government decision on external members of the University Board
The Chairman of the Swedish Defence University, County Governor Carl Fredrik Graf, and six other external members will be reappointed to the University's Board. In addition, Staff Manager Anna Psaroulis will be added as a new representative in the vacant seat for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
The Government has made decisions on the chairman and other external members of 30 university and college boards. For the Board of the Swedish Defence University, this means in practice an extended appointment for Chairman Carl Fredrik Graf and other external members of the current Board. The new member is Permanent Secretary Anna Psaroulis, who replaces Director General Camilla Asp in the MSB's chair. Asp left MSB last spring.
The Board of Directors will take office on 1 October 2024 and the term of office will run until 30 April 2028.
Security policy expertise
The current external members were appointed as late as 1 May 2023, but for a shorter period than usual in light of the new security policy situation and the need for security policy expertise in the university and college boards.
The Board of the National Defence University
The Board of the Swedish Defence University consists of a total of 15 members, of which eight external members appointed by the Government:
- Chairman Carl Fredrik Graf, County Governor of Östergötland
- Vice Chair Elisabet Nihlfors, Professor Emerita Uppsala University
- Håkan Buskhe, Director CEO FAM AB
- Ann-Sofie Dahl, Associate Professor and affiliated with the Atlantic Council
- Mika Kerttunen, Associate Professor at the Finnish National Defence University
- Jonny Lindfors, Brigadier General Swedish Armed Forces
- Viktoria Mattsson, LTU Business AB
- Anna Psouralis, Permanent Secretary, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
In addition to the external members, the Vice-Chancellor is included, three teacher representatives who are appointed for three years at a time and three student representatives who are appointed after each union election. Currently, it is:
- Robert Egnell, Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Leadership
- Ulf Högström, teacher member, lieutenant colonel and military teacher
- Sofia Ledberg, Teacher Member, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
- Fredrik Thisner, Teaching Member, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
- Iris Weström, student member and president of the student union
- Erik Ekvall, student member
- Daniel Fölstad, student member
Page information
- Published:
- 2024-09-23
- Last updated:
- 2024-09-24