

Digital assessment

Inspera is a digital tool available for you as educator at Swedish Defence University.

What is Inspera?

Inspera is a digital tool which can be used for remote assessment and for time limited remote assessments. Inspera has powerful marking tools, manual and automatic, and can also be used for control and diagnostic tests.

Benefits with Inspera

  • Digital remote assessments and tests
  • Anonymous marking, digital or analog
  • Flexible allocation between several marking teachers

The Inspera process is completely digital, no paperwork needed. You can do marking anywhere and anytime and you do not need to worry about loosing anything by accident.

You have the possibility to design tests with different question types, both manually and digitally marked. You can also weigh points. In the tool you will have good control of different test appointments and you can easily add extra test time for students who have a right to that.

During the actual test occasion you will have a good overview and will see, in realtime, how many students are taking the test, who have submitted and if anyone has a problem.

You can easily do the marking anonymously, errors will be almost impossible to make. If you like you can also print out and mark anonymously, something that has been a desired feature among teachers. Every test will be marked by a code and students will keep their candidate code even after the anonymization. You can easily divide tasks between different marking teachers, and overall the marking is very fast. There is also a possibility to use Urkund text-matching software for safer examinations.

» Film about designing tests in Inspera (8 minutes)

If you are interested to know more about Inspera, please contact the IT educators, via drop-in Zoom or e-mail,
