

CRISMART Research Programme

As of 1 January 2018, the Center for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART) was intregrated into the Centre for Societal Security (CTSS) and its legacy leaves on as a research programme.

The CRISMART research programme draws upon previous efforts to develop competence and foster knowledge about national and international crisis management as well as to build bridges between practitioners and researchers in order to strengthen national and European crisis management capabilities.

Below is a list of the CRISMART publications.

CRISMART publications

Volume 1 (1997) - Krishantering på svenska: Teori och praktik. [Crisis Management the Swedish Way: Theory and Practice]. Bengt Sundelius, Eric Stern med Fredrik Bynander. (Nerenius & Santérus Förlag). ISBN: 91-648-0142-x

Volume 2 (1998) – Crisis and Internationalization: Eight Cases from a Cognitive-Institutional Perspective. Edited by Eric Stern and Fredrik Bynander. ISBN: 91 7097 045-9 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 3 (1999) – Crisis Management in Estonia: Case Studies and Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Eric Stern and Daniel Nohrstedt. ISBN: 91 87136-86-4 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 4 (1999) – Coping with Value Conflict and Institutional Complexity: International Conference on National Crisis Management in an International Perspective (Hässelby Conference). Edited by Lindy Newlove. ISBN: 91 7097 059-9 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 5 (2001) – Civil Security and Crisis Management in the Baltic Sea Region: The 1999 Strömsborg Workshop in Stockholm and the 2000 Tallinn Conference. Edited by Anna Fornstedt. ISBN: 91-87136-90-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 6 (1999) – Crisis Decisionmaking: A Cognitive Institutional Approach. Eric Stern. ISBN: 91-87136-73-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 7 (2000) – Managing Crisis Abroad: The Brolin Kidnapping. Daniel Nohrstedt. ISBN: 91-87136-76-7 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 8 (2000/2003) – Minkar eller ubåtar i den svenska ubåtsjakten. [Minks or Submarines? The Swedish Hunt for Submarines]. Annika Brändström. ISBN 91-89683-18-8 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 9 (2000) – The Crisis Management of the Murder of Olof Palme: A Cognitive-Institutional Approach. Dan Hansén. ISBN 91-89683-19-6 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 10 (2000) – Managing Crisis in the European Union: The Commission and “Mad Cow” Disease. Jesper Grönvall. ISBN: 91 709 7081-5 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 11 (2000) – Auckland Unplugged. Lindy Newlove, Eric Stern and Lina Svedin. ISBN: 91 7097 082-3 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 12 (2000) – Crisis Management in a Transitional Society: The Latvian Experience. Edited by Dan Hansén and Eric Stern. ISBN: 91-87136-71-6 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 13 (2001) – Coping with a Credibility Crisis: The Stockholm JAS Fighter Plane Crash. Annika Brändström. ISBN: 91-87136-72-4 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 14 (2001) – Environmental Crisis in Spain: The Boliden Dam Rupture. Susann Ullberg. ISBN: 91-87136-74-0 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 15 (2001) Krishantering på göteborgska: En studie av brandkatastrofen den 29-30 oktober 1998 [Crisis Management the Gothenburg Way: A Study of the Fire Catastrophe on October 29-30, 1998]. Ahn-Za Hagström and Bengt Sundelius. ISBN: 91-87136-80-5 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 16 (2001) Learning from Past Experiences: The 1995 Avalanches in Iceland. Ásthildur Elva Bernhardsdóttir. ISBN: 91-87136-82-1 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 17 (2002) Crisis Management in Russia: Overcoming Institutional Rigidity and Resource Constraints. Edited by Boris Porfiriev and Lina Svedin. ISBN: 91-87136-93-7 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 18 (2005) Value Complexity in Crisis Management: The Lithuanian Transition. Edited by Stephanie Buus, Lindy Newlove, and Eric Stern. ISBN: 91-89683-04-8 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 19 (2008) The Politics of Crisis Management in Transitional Poland. Edited by Fredrik Bynander, Greg Simons and Piotr Chmielewski. ISBN: 91-89683-05-6 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 20 (2003) The 2001 Kista Blackout: Corporate Crisis and Urban Contingency. Edward Deverell. ISBN: 91-89683-06-4 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 21 (2002) Utbåtsfrågan-ett symposium [The Submarine Issue: A Symposium]. Fredrick Bynander. ISBN: 91-89683-07-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 22 (2003) Crisis Management in a Crowded Humanitarian Space: The Politics of Hosting Refugee Influxes. Peter. L.J. Bos. ISBN: 91-89683-20-X (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 23 (2003) Politisk krishantering i Europa – “De fjortons” sanktioner mot Österrike [Political Crisis Management in Europe: ”The Fourteen’s” Sanctions Against Austria]. Sara Larsson and Jenny Lundgren. ISBN: 91-89683-29-3 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 24 (2003) Vad styr ledaren? Om beslutsfattare och policyförändring i säkerhets­politiska kriser [What guides the leader? On decision-makers and policy change in security policy crises]. Karin Lindgren. ISBN: 91-506-1667-6 (ISSN: 0348-1824 /1650-3856), Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, report no. 22. ISBN: 91-506-1667-6. ISSN: 0348-1824. ISSN: 1650-3856.

Volume 25 (2004) Small-State Crisis Management: The Icelandic Way. Edited by Ásthildur Elva Bernharðsdóttir and Lina Svedin. ISBN: 91-89683-42-0 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 26 (2004) Crisis Management in Slovenia: Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Annika Brändström and Marjan Malešič. ISBN: 91-89683-59-5 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 27 (2004) Elavbrott i Kista den 29-31 maj 2002: Organisatorisk och interorganisatorisk inlärning i kris [The Kista Blackout on May 29-31, 2002 - Organizational and Interorganizational Crisis Learning]. Edward Deverell. ISBN: 91-89683-72-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 28 (2005) The Buenos Aires Blackout: Argentine Crisis Management Across the Public-Private Divide. Susann Ullberg. ISBN: 91-89683-78-1 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 29 (2005) Crisis Decision Making in the European Union. Sara Larsson, Eva-Karin Olsson, and Britta Ramberg. ISBN: 91-85401-02-1 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 30 (2005) Managing Political Crises in Bulgaria: Pragmatism and Procrastination. Edited by Kjell Engelbrekt and Markus Förberg. ISBN: 91-89683-94-3 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 31 (2005) Bombattentat i London: Terrorism och institutionaliserad krishantering. [The London bombing: Terrorism and institutionalized crisis management]. Fredrik Fors. ISBN: 91-85401-07-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 32 (2006) Oordningens dynamik – En jämförande studie av demonstrationerna i Prag, Nice, Göteborg och Genua [The Dynamics of Disorder – A Comparative Study of the Demonstrations in Prague, Nice, Gothenburg and Geneva] Finn Wallman. ISBN: 91-85401-32-3 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 33 (2007) Crisis Management in Transitional Societies: The Romanian Experience. Edited by Iulian Chifu and Britta Ramberg. ISBN: 978-91-85401-64-2 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 34 (2007) Crisis and Perspectives on Policy Change: Swedish Counter-terrorism Policymaking. Dan Hansén. ISBN: 978-91-85401-65-9. ISBN: 91-7843-128-x

Volume 35 (2008) Carnegiekrisen – Kriskommunikation i politik och finans: På lika villkor? [The Carnegie crisis - Crisis communication in politics and the financial world: On similar terms?]. Laila Naraghi. ISBN: 978-91-85401-97-0 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 36 (2008) Who Knows? The Use of Knowledge Management in Crisis. Mats Koraeus. ISBN: 978-91-85401-98-7 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 37 (2008) Politisk krishantering i Danmark: Krisen i samband med publiceringen av Muhammedkarikatyrerna. [Political crisis management in Denmark: The crisis in connection with the publishing of the Mohammed Caricatures]. Kristina Lindholm. ISBN: 978-91-89683-01-3 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 38 (2010) Crisis-induced learning in public sector organizations. Edward Deverell. ISBN: 978-91-89683-20-4 (ISSN: 1650-3856)

Volume 39 (2012) Politisk ledarskapsstil. Om interaction mellan personlighet och institutioner i utövandet av svenska statsministerämbetet. Pär Daléus. ISBN 978-91-7447-535-7 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 40 (2013) Watermarks: Urban Flooding and Memoryscape in Argentina. Susann Ullberg. ISBN: 978-91-87235-26-9 (ISSN 1650-3856). ISBN electronic version: 978-91-87235-25-2.

Volume 41 (2014) Strategies for Supporting Community Resilience: Multinational Experiences. Edited by Robert Bach. ISBN: 978-91-86137-38-0 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 42 (2014) “Designing Crisis Management Training and Exercises for Strategic Leaders: A Swedish and United States Collaborative Project.” Edited by Eric Stern. ISBN: 978-91-86137-39-7 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 43 (2015) The 2005 Hurricane Katrina response failure: Seeing preparedness for foreseeable complex problems through a neo-institutional lens. Christer Brown. ISBN: 978-90-824210-0-2 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 44 (2015) Crisis, Accountability, and Blame Management: Strategies and Survival of Political Office-Holders. Annika Brändström. ISBN: 978-90-39364-40-6 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 45 (2016) The Northward Course of the Anthropocene: Transformation, Temporality and Telecoupling in a Time of Environmental Crisis. Eric Paglia. ISBN: 978-91-7595-809-5 (ISSN 0349-2842)

Volume 46 (2016) Stressing Knowledge: Organisational closed-ness and knowledge acquisition under pressure. Mats Koraeus. ISBN: 978-91-86137-65-6 (ISSN 1650-3856)

Volume 47 (limited circulation) The Bridge Builder: Essays in Honor of Bengt Sundelius. Edited by Fredrik Bynander, Charles Parker and Ulrika Mörth.

CRISMART report series in Swedish

Volym 1 (2004) Tunnelolyckan i Kaprun 2000 av Sara Larsson ISBN 91-89683-66-8 (ISSN 1652-0416)

Volym 2 (2004) Teleavbrott i Uppsala 2002 – Infrastrukturell sårbarhet av Anna Hedin Ekström. ISBN 91-89683-33-1 (ISSN 1652-0416)

Volym 3 (2004) Bombattentatet i Myyrmanni köpcentrum 2002 av Edward Deverall med Ola Almgren och Per Örtenwall. ISBN 91-89683-88-9 (ISSN 1652-0416)

Bara skog som brinner? Utvärdering av krishanteringen under skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Författare: Viktoria Asp, Fredrik Bynander, Pär Daléus, Jenny Deschamps-Berger, Daniel Sandberg och Erik Schyberg. ISBN: 978-91-86137-49-6


Titel: Fagersta kommun- Utvärdering av krishanteringen under skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Författare: Daniel Sandberg. ISBN: 978-91-86137-45-8

Titel: Norbergs kommun- Utvärdering av krishanteringen under skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Författare: Viktoria Asp. ISBN: 978-91-86137-46-5

Titel: Sala kommun- Utvärdering av krishanteringen under skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Författare: Daniel Sandberg. ISBN: 978-91-86137-47-2

Titel: Surahammars kommun- Utvärdering av krishanteringen under skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Författare: Erik Schyberg.
