
Kårstyrelsen 2023-2024

From left: Sara Andersson, Deborah Wiklund, Iris Weström, Leo Vikinge (sitting down), Representative Section for higher military education, Erica Engrund Sohlberg, Felix Malmström, Rasmus Lindstedt (sitting down), Erik Westergren, Robert Steffens (sitting down). Photo: Anders G Warne.

The Swedish Defence University student union

The Swedish Defence University student union represents you and your interests in issues relating to your education.

The student union is a democratic and nonprofit association of students. We monitor and participate in the development of education and the conditions for studies at the Swedish Defence University.

The student union safeguards the right to influence, the work environment, equal treatment and freedom from discrimination.

The student union has representatives in most of the Swedish Defence University's management and decision-making bodies.

Become a member of the student union

Benefits for student union members

The student union board


The student union is led by its board, the members of which are elected at each annual meeting. You are welcome to be involved in influencing who will lead the student union, or you can seek a seat on the student union board yourself.


Under the board there are four sections: the section for the officers’ programme, the civilian section, the doctoral student section and the section for higher military education.


The student union has in addition two committees: the study social committee and the labour market group Kompass.

Praesentia studia securitas futura

The student union’s motto was adopted in 2011 and means "today's studies - tomorrow's security".

Follow the student union
