High Level Academic Roundtable on Women, Peace and Security
European Union External Action Service High Level Academic Roundtable on Women, Peace and Security, organised together with the Swedish Defence University, and in cooperation with the Romanian Presidency of the Council of EU and the Finnish representation to the EU.
The new EU Strategic Approach to WPS represents added value and focus on the main opportunities and challenges in the implementation of the WPS agenda and allows for coherence, synergies and complementarity at the EU level and for EU Member States. Not only has the new EU policy on WPS been welcomed for its substance and innovative approach, but the Council also welcomed the inclusive process followed for its preparation through extensive dialogues with Commission services, EU Member States, Gender Advisors from the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations, civil society partners, representatives of academia and other multilateral and regional partners. The Council underlined that such an inclusive approach should remain the standard working practice for future work.
We believe that the EEAS Academic Roundtable on Women, Peace and Security provides the perfect setting for kicking of this new way of working with a closer, and more frequent, engagement with researchers and scholars from around the world..
The aim of this approach is to bridge the gap between policy making and research in order to ensure that all those involved with WPS, through enhanced interaction, learn from one another and support each other’s efforts towards an effective implementation of the EU Strategic Approach to WPS and its Action Plan (forthcoming).
The Roundtable will be conducted within the framework of activities of the Informal EU Taskforce on WPS.
Key Notes and reflections will be given by High Representative and Vice President, Federica Mogherini, EEAS Secretary General, Helga Schmid, Professor Cynthia Enloe, Clark University and Professor Annick Wibben, Swedish Defence University.