
Profile image for Fredrik Bynander

Fredrik Bynander

Associate Professor, Head of Centre

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Fredrik Bynander is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Societal Security. He sees the mission of the centre as one of bridging theory and practice by transforming the University's scientific achievements into accessible and relevant executive education and analysis support.

Fredrik is a co-founder and the chairman of the board for the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS) which is a government designated strategic research area.

From 2009-2011, Fredrik was a special adviser to the Swedish government's secretariat for crisis coordination, and in 2011-12, he was its head of strategic planning.

In 2003 he defended his dissertation "The Rise and Fall of the Submarine Threat: Threat Politics and Submarine Intrusions in Sweden 1980-2002" at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, where he later held an assistant professorship (2007-10). His recent research includes crisis management studies, security studies and leadership succession.

Fredrik is an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences and the Swedish Society for International Affairs.

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