
Profile image for Oscar Larsson

Oscar Larsson

Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer

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Oscar Larsson completed his PhD in Political Science at Uppsala University in 2015. The thesis concerned (meta-)governance and collaboration in crisis management and analyzed the development of social security in Sweden and the introduction of a national radio communication system (RAKEL). Governance, power and collaboration are the central starting points for Oscar's research efforts after the dissertation. He has, among other things, researched on governance and collaboration between public and private partners in segregated urban environments, rural integration, in dealing with trafficking victims, and in crisis management. For the past two years, research has focused on sovereign power, national security and civilian preparedness. Oscar is also interested in philosophy of science and social constructivism. He has published articles on how ideas, institutions and discourses can have structuring effects on actors and how ideas in themselves can catalyze change.

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