Limit your search
Make a wide search to begin with. Then limit your search to get a more refined search result.

Initially, we often make a broad and general search. As you get to know your subject better, you usually need a more limited and targeted search.
- What does "recent outbreaks" mean. What time? You can make a time limitation in databases.
- Do you want to focus on a particular example?: In August 2011, peaceful demonstrations in London turned into riots. Then you add search terms like London.
- You can restrict the search to only scholarly articles. In your search service, click Peer Review or Scholarly Journals.
Start your search in broad search tools
You can start your search in broad search tools such as the library's search service Primo or in Google Scholar, which is a search engine for scholarly material.
» Primo - the library’s search tool
» Search further in Google Scholar on the internet
Move on to subject databases
Once you have gained an understanding of your information retrieval needs, it may be helpful to move on to a subject database. These are listed in the library's database list.