Linus Hagström
- 08-55342601
- Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
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Om Linus
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Linus Hagström is Professor of Political Science (since 2015) and was previously Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science and Law (1 Jan 2022-29 Feb 2024). He received his PhD in political science from Stockholm University in 2003. He has been a research fellow with the Royal Academy of Letters of Letters, History and Antiquities (2009–14) and a Senior Research Fellow (2008–2021) and East Asia Programme Director (2008–15) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. He is currently an editorial board member of Cooperation and Conflict, Pacific Affairs, Czech Journal of International Politics, Journal of Peace and War Studies, Journal of Northeast Asian History and Bristol University Press' East Asian International Relations series.
Hagström's research revolves around identity, power and international security, including the role of discourse, narrative and discipline. He is also interested in methods for constructing research puzzles and the question how to motivate research contributions. Empirically, he is focused on East Asian international politics, but also does research on great power politics and security policy involving Sweden. Hagström has recently published articles in European Political Science, Life Writing, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Cooperation and Conflict, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, European Journal of International Relations, Australian Journal of Politics & History, Contemporary Security Policy, Social Science Japan Journal, International Studies Quarterly, Social Science Japan Journal, The International Spectator, Review of International Studies, Cambridge Review of International affairs, International Studies Review, Journal of Japanese Studies, Survival, European Political Science and Washington Quarterly, and edited special issues for Asian Perspective, The Pacific Review and Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Hagström has also edited the Swedish textbook Att forska: praktiker och roller inom samhällsvetenskapen (with Niklas Bremberg and Arita Holmberg). He was awarded the Hugo Raab Prize in 2021.
Hagström currently teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level and supervises two PhD students. He has previously supervised six PhD students to completion of their dissertations: Karl Gustafsson (co-supervisor, Stockholm University, defense 2011), Björn Jerdén (main supervisor, Stockholm University, defense 2016), Ulv Hanssen (co-supervisor, FU Berlin, defense 2017), Stephanie Winkler (main supervisor, Stockholm University, defense 2020), Wrenn Yennie Lindgren (main supervisor, Stockholm University, defense 2021) and Nicholas Olczak (co-supervisor, Stockholm University, defense 2022).
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Senaste publikationer
Changing identity to remain oneself : Ontological security and the Swedish decision on joining NATOIngår i Journal of International Relations and Development
Mot en bred, djup och öppen säkerhetspolitisk analys och debattIngår i Är Sverige säkert nu? Perspektiv på Nato och svensk säkerhetspolitik
Sveriges känslomässiga väg mot NatoIngår i Är Sverige säkert nu? Perspektiv på Nato och svensk säkerhetspolitik
Unravelling military aggression : Ontological insecurity, great power narcissism, and Japan’s international relations, 1868–1971Ingår i Review of International Studies