Freestanding courses spring semester 2023
Registration open 15 September—17 October
Welcome to the small university that educates for the big issues – defence, crisis management and security.
Study for a safer future
We do not have spring intake on our programmes, but you can apply and take freestanding courses. The basic courses in the subjects of military history and political science with a focus on crisis management and security are open for application.
In the spring semester, several continuation courses and courses at advanced level also start for those who have already studied at a university.
Do you have questions about our courses? Welcome to contact us via the Q&A button at the bottom right, or contact a study counsellor at studievagledning@fhs.se
In the spring semester range
Civil-Military Relations
This reading course focuses on the relationship between the political and military elites in different political systems.

Gender, Security and War
This course focuses on the field of Feminist Security Studies, which explores the relationships between gender (and other intersecting oppressions, such as race) and security.

Law of Armed Conflict - Intermediate Course
This course will give you a comprehensive introduction to the law of armed conflict or international humanitarian law with a focus on applying it in the context of current world events.

Start studying
Unique environment at SEDU
Studies at Swedish Defence University - a both civilian and military university - offers a unique and completely different experience compared to most other universities.

Future career opportunities
To study at the Swedish Defence University is an excellent way of reaching your dream job in the security, defence and crisis management fields.

Role-playing and wargaming
Scenario-based role-playing games and exercises that simulate real-life situations are popular elements in our courses. Practical applications, exercises and war games are included in most o...