

Public Policy Analysis, Reading Course

This course aims to increase students’ understanding of the academic discourse on public policy making, and of contemporary state of the art research in public policy and administration.

The course provides students with a deeper knowledge of the conceptual and theoretical tools used in the study of policy processes. We examine a number of research themes in this field of knowledge, such as agenda setting, policy entrepreneurship, advocacy coalitions and policy oriented learning. Of particular interest to this course is the nexus between the phenomenon of crisis and policy change.

Students are encouraged to scrutinize cases of policy processes and from such experience learn to identify factors and circumstances that contribute to policy outcomes. Insights are compared to other related fields within the study of politics, such as public administration and management, and crisis management research.


Dr. Edward Deverell is Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Director of Studies. He holds a PhD from Utrecht University’s School of Governance. Deverell’s research focuses on topics such as institutional crisis management, public management reform and public agency communication.

He has published his research in journals such as Public Management Review, Defence Studies, Risk Crisis & Hazards in Public Policy, and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.


Edward Deverell

Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer +46 8-55342775