

Digital aids for studies

The Swedish Defence University has licences for a number of programmes that facilitate reading and written work on computers. The programmes are available to anyone studying at the Swedish Defence University.

You have access to the programmes throughout your study time and it is possible to download them on your computer. When you have completed your studies, you have to uninstall the programmes.

Downloading programmes

As the Swedish Defence University pays a licence fee for support programmes, they are only available for those who are registered as a student at the Swedish Defence University. Download digital aids (log in required)

Examples of available programmes

If you need help with statistical analysis, there is a program called SPSS that you can download to your personal computer. Other students at the Swedish Defence University can also download the program for free via the link below.

To do so, you must log in to the Student Portal with your FHS account. You can click on “Log in” at the top right of the page or use the link provided to access the login page.

Stava Rex will help you with spelling and grammar in Swedish. For example, you can obtain help with:

  • Words that sound alike but are spelled differently (homonyms)
  • Spelling
  • Composite words
  • Quotation marks
  • Expressions
  • Spacing
  • Sequence of words
  • Clause significance

SpellRight 2 will help you with spelling and grammar in English.

Saida helps you choose the appropriate words by suggesting vocabulary while writing. You also get help through:

  • Warnings regarding words that are easily confused
  • Suggestions for the correct words when misspelt

ClaroRead Plus pronounces the words written, letter by letter, each word or at sentence level.

  • Voicing
  • Spelling control and layout change
  • Fonts and colours when working in Word
  • Scanning from the paper, PDF or other image formats

Remember that the audio files you create using speech synthesis can only be used for your own use, because of copyright reasons.

ClaroSpeak Plus is the speech synthesis app that is often on the top lists within Reading & Writing Tools in the Appstore. The app gives the user many opportunities to have text read out. Listen to existing documents, write your own text with audio echo, photograph physical text and have it read aloud.

Claro ScanPen is an app for you who want to get a text read quickly. When you start the app, you enter the camera directly in your phone. You take a picture of a printed text document or from a book, select the text and you get it read out immediately. With the latest OCR technology, your image is converted to text. No images are saved in the image library. Simple and smooth!

Both apps are available in iOS and Android, to get access to the apps, contact the study counsellors at

Resource room

A resource room is available at Drottning Kristinas Väg 37, with computers where more support programmes are installed.
