

Registration and deregistration for campus exams

Registration for examinations is compulsory. Below are instructions on how to register for a classroom exam.

Examination registration

  1. Log in to Ladok for Students.
  2. The first view in Ladok is the "Home page". Here you can see your current courses and whether you are registered for any exams.
  3. Click on "Examinations" in the menu to see the current examinations.
  4. Under the tab "Not signed up" you will find a list of exams that you are not registered for.
  5. If the registration for an exam is open, click on "Apply" under the exam you want to do.
  6. Click on "Confirm" in the pop-up box to register.

The exam has now been moved to the "Signed up" tab.

If you experience any registration problems

Check that you have not already received a passing grade on the module. If you pass you cannot take the same exam again.

If you experience any problems registering, contact the exam coordinator immediately.


Once you are logged into Ladok for Students,

  1. Click on "Examinations" in the menu.
  2. Click on the "Signed up" tab.
  3. Click on the arrow "Show more".
  4. Click "Decline".
  5. Then click on "Confirm" in the pop-up box to deregister.

The exam has now been moved to the "Not signed up" tab.

For an instructional video on how to register for an on-campus exam, see Ladok Play "Sign up for examinations in Ladok”
