

Campus Examinations

Written on-campus examinations are time-limited and are held in designated examination rooms.

Mandatory sign-up

In order to take an on-campus exam, you must register for it. When you register, you will be issued a personal anonymization code that you use instead of your name on all the materials you submit. You register on Ladok for students.
Instructions on how to register can be found here.

Registration opens 21 days before the exam and closes 10 days before the exam. If you miss the registration deadline, please contact the exam coordinator as soon as possible, but no later than 12:00 noon on the last weekday before the exam, to see if there is still a possibility to take the exam.

Students who have not registered correctly will be denied access to the examination room and will not be allowed to take the examination.

If you experience any problems registering, please contact the exam coordinator immediately.

Room location

One to three days before the exam, the room location will be posted in Canvas. Students that have applied for adapted exam due to special education needs will receive an email with information about which room to go to.

Exams adapted to special educational needs

If you have been granted support for special educational needs you can apply to use it by filling in the form, linked below, when you register for the exam.

To be guaranteed the support that you have applied for, the application need to be made during the regulation application period for the exam, which is 21-10 days before the exam.

Please note that you must also register for the exam in Ladok. Read about how to do this here.

Late arrival

Students must be present at the examination room well before the exam starts. Exam hosts will close the room when the exams begins, and after that, no students will be admitted into the room.

ID check

You must present a valid ID at the time of the room examination.

Exam hall rules

In the examination room, you must follow all written instructions and directions from the exam host.

Personal belongings must be left in the designated place in the exam room. Mobile phones and other technical equipment that are not allowed during the examination must be switched off and stored in the designated place.

Permitted materials and items

The course coordinator will inform you in advance about what materials and items are allowed in the classroom.

Withdrawing from the examination

If you choose to withdraw from the examination you must wait until at least fifteen minutes have elapsed.

Concluding the exam

When you have finished or when the exam time is over, you hand in the test to the exam host. This also applies if you opt to finish the exam early or wish to hand in a blank test. When handing in the test, you must identify yourself.

For digital exams, you need to remain in your seat and wait until the exam host has marked your ID as checked in the system before you can hand in the exam digitally.

Evacuation of the examination hall

The exam host acts as the evacuation supervisor and makes decisions about whether the room must be evacuated.

Follow the instructions on how to get to the assembly point and stay there until you are told it is safe to enter the room again.

Examination at another location

If you need to take the exam at another location, you must make a request to the course teacher or examiner at least one month before the exam date.

Rules for summative assessment at the first and second-cycle level Pdf, 121.1 kB.

Cheating and plagiarism
